翻譯自 Kathryn Kuhlman
Roberts Liardon






也許我比這兒任何人都更清楚大衛的意思和感受。我不懼怕撒但,因為我可以用主耶穌用過的武器對付牠:「經上記著說… …」。我可以面對撒但。我也可以面對地獄一切的污靈,用主耶穌用過的武器對付牠們。我不怕人。我只怕令聖靈憂傷,只怕恩膏會離我而去。
















若沒有了保羅所說的那份團契關係,那份與聖靈的相交,我就不能存活,絕對不能。其他一切都是虛空,其他一切都不重要。但也許你並不想要這些。也許你並不想要神為你預備那上好的。也許,有些東西對你更重要;可是啊!只要你品嚐過那經歷… …




你看,我們常常在唱:「我願獻奉… …我願降服… …」,唱到幾乎變成陳腔濫調了。有時,我們行諸多的禮儀,甚至連自己都麻木了。死去,認認真真的。死去,死去。但我們就是不喜歡提到死亡,不喜歡面對死亡。




I want to share something that's virtually important. I do not believe that God has given me something special. God has not given to me one thing that He'll not give to anyone, if you'll pay the price. I'm not special to Him. He'll give to you absolutely everything that He has given to me.

I would like to tell you the price is cheap. Everybody's out for a bargain these days, but God has no bargains. Young people, I would lie to you if I were to tell you that it comes cheap. You see me walk on there on the stage, and all you see is the glamour of it. And it looks so glamorous. All you see is the glory of it. That's all you see.

A reporter said to me the other day, "What do you do to prepare for a service like this" and I said, "Sir, I stay prepared."

Everybody these days want something for nothing. You don't get something for nothing. There's a price, and it depends on what you want most. Just face facts. This generation doesn't want to face facts. But when you're dealing with the spiritual, it's the most important thing in the world, and you've got to face the truth.

When I walk out on that stage, I know what David meant when he said, “Take not thy Holy Spirit from me.”

I probably know better than anyone else in this place what he meant and how he felt. I'm not afraid of Satan. I can use the same weapon on Satan that Jesus used: “It is written.” I can face Satan. I can face all the demons of hell and use the same weapon on them that Jesus did. I fear no man. But I fear lest I grieve the Holy Spirit, lest this anointing shall leave.

Yesterday the thousands in this arena only saw the miracles, and they saw the glory, but very few of them could see the price that was paid before those miracles took place. He can take everything that I've got. He can strip me of everything I've got, leaving me but the clothing to cover my body, leaving me with the shoes on my feet, and I'm willing to go out there and live on bread and water the rest of my life, so help me God. I'll preach if I have to preach it from the street corner, but take not thy Holy Spirit from me!

If I knew the Holy Spirit was grieved, it I knew the Holy Ghost would depart from me, I would never again walk out on this stage. I would never make a pretense of things, but in that hour, I would be the most ordinary person that ever lived, and nothing would happen. I could say the same words, go through the same from, do the same things, but the secret power is the Holy Ghost.

You say, “How do you know? How do you know when somebody is healed? How do you know?”

You see, these things are spiritual. It's very hard to express them in the human vocabulary. There is a spiritual vocabulary. How can I say it to you? Only the Holy Spirit can give you divine revelation. Only He can give you the understanding that a place of yieldedness and death to self is the hardest thing in the world to reach. I'm telling you it isn't easy. Death to self is the hardest thing in the world, but you can get to the place where it's none of self, but all of Him.

I cannot use the Holy Spirit. I can't do it. The Holy Spirit must use the vessel. Understand something. You can have the greatest talent in the world, but it will never accomplish anything for God unless the Holy Ghost uses it. “Not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit, saith the Lord of hosts” (Zech. 4:6 KJV). And you become so completely dead.

You say “How can you get that way?”

I can't tell you. I don't know. I only know that Kathryn Kuhlman died. You want to know the secret of this ministry? Kathryn Kuhlman died. We talk about the death of Jesus. That was His cross, my friend. That was his cross. And the Word says to take up your cross and follow Him (Matt. 10:38).

I've got a cross that I've got to die on. Beloved, there's a cross. Jesus talked much about His cross. That was His cross when they nailed that body on that cross, that was not mine. It was not yours. That was His.

A cross is the symbol of death. We don't like to talk about death, but we've got to face that. Sooner or later, in the natural, we have to face death – everyone – whether you like it or not. I'm talking this moment about death to selfishness.

This is a selfish generation. It is a selfish age. People are selfish. That's one thing people never recognize in themselves. No one has ever been known to confess that he was a selfish person.

I can pick up a newspaper and read anything about Kathryn Kuhlman. I can watch the telecasts. I'm not associated with them whatsoever. I do not associate that with myself. I can leave this service today and say, “Oh, isn't God wonderful?” Wasn't it glorious of the Holy Spirit, and God is my judge, in no way could I associate that service with Kathryn Kuhlman. Kathryn Kuhlman died a long time ago.

I don't know whether you understand or not. I don't know. All I can tell you is that He'll take what you yield unto Him. He'll never force you. He'll never force you – ever. If you're waiting for Him to force you to a life of yieldedness, He'll never do it. Never. And it's something you can't get out of books.

You may know all the mechanics so far as theology is concerned. But it's something more that having the best teachers in the world. It's more. It's more. It's something more than having greater advantages than any person living. It's more than good deeds. It's something that hurts.

I'll ask one question: What do you want most in life?

That has to come face. Face facts. Face yourself. Look yourself directly in the face. Maybe you don't desire what I've been talking about. Maybe that isn't you desire at all. Maybe it isn't. There are other things in life that you want more, that you feel are more desirable.

But I couldn't live if I had anything less than I have. I wouldn't want to live. That fellowship that Paul was talking about, that communion with the Holy Spirit, I couldn't live without it. I couldn't. Everything else is so worthless. Nothing else really matters, but maybe you don't want it. Maybe you don't want the best that God has for you. Maybe there are other things that are more important to you, but oh, when once you've experienced it.

I was born without talent, nothing. That's the reason probably it was easy for me to say, “Take nothing, and use it.”

For some of you, it may be a little harder to die on that cross. That cross is there. Without exception, you're faced with a cross – your cross. What are you going to do about it? When you face that cross, remember: It's what you want most.

I can't make that decision for you. I made your own decision. And I'm glad that I made it. It may look so hard to you just now. It costs much, but what do you want most? That's the question. Anything else is temporary, but what I'm talking about is eternal.

So often, you know, we sing, “I surrender,” until it has almost become a clich. Sometimes we go to so much ceremony that it doesn't mean a thing. Death serious. Death, Death. We don't like to say it or face death.

Little do you know what God will do for you, little do you know. Little do you know what God will do for you, if you'll only surrender. Say to yourself, “I die on my cross.” Say it again: “I die on my cross.”

Say, “More than anything else in the world, I surrender everything to you.” Do you really mean it? Do you really mean it? More than anything else in the whole world? Nothing else matters. Nothing else matters.

He won't take second place. He refuses. He will not take second place, I promise you. I promise you. He will not take second place. You can't compromise with Him. He won't accept a compromise.

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