I thought I did was right. I thought I had the answers. I thought I chose the surest road. But that road brought me here. So I put up a fight and told You how to help me. Now just when I've given up, the truth is coming clear. You know better than I. You know the way. I'll let go the need to know why for You know better than I. If this had been a test, I cannot see the reason. But maybe knowing I don't know is part of getting through. I try to do what's best. And faith has made it easy to see the best thing I can do, Is put my trust in You. I saw one cloud and thought it was the sky. I saw a bird and thought that I can follow. For it was You who taught that bird to fly. If I let You reach me, will You teach me? For You know better than I. You know the way. I'll let go the need to know why I'll take what answer You supply You know better than I. 當年月一天一天過去,約瑟被賣為奴,成為階下囚,我幾乎可以聽見約瑟困惑絕望的呼聲︰「神呀,為什麼會這樣?」 現在我們當然知道約瑟的結局,我們可能會覺得︰噢,沒甚麼大不了,下幾頁他便會成為宰相。但在於約瑟,他只是一個普通人,有血有肉,和你我一樣,當他被人像牛羊般勞役,被下在牢中的時候,約瑟並不知道神的計劃詳情,神要怎樣救祂出去。甚至,我想,在那十三年光景中,他很可能想過,神會不會把他救出去。 只是,在這些絕望的光景中,約瑟決定了:不管將來如何,今天我會嘗試做到最好── 盡力饒恕並忘記那些曾經傷害他的人, 盡力勝過自憐, 盡力對他的主人忠心, 盡力在所有令人失望的光景中保持喜樂, 盡力在神面前放下所有的權利,不再問「為什麼」, 最重要的是,在任何光景際遇中,盡力認識及貼近神。 這一切都使神感動。 不錯,神是全知全能,祂預知一切,祂一早看見我們的結局。但人類不能,歷代每一個偉人都不能,他們都像亞伯拉罕一樣,出去的時候,還不知往那裡去,只是憑著信心,在一連串看來絕望的光景中,竭盡所能。 就是這個原素,使信心偉人的故事如此感人。 成長── 這就是為何神讓我們經歷許多看來無法解釋的磨煉與考驗。 它們都是神對你我完美計劃的一部份,在我們還不知道的時候,就開始帶領我們逐步長大進入定命──遠超過我們所求所想。 Original posted on 4.3.04 |