大蓋從上個月開始我就處於靈魂體holiday mood,旅行,打機,上網,不玩的時候就泡我的教育書籍…一天又一天,屬靈食無定時,越來越虛弱自己也不自覺。 終於在這幾天屬靈作感冒,各種病症蠢蠢欲現,雖然在各種肉身玩樂研究上仍然操作正常,靈裡卻沉悶不安,懶洋洋。 感謝主,前天我忽然想起一本屬靈書(這書我買了幾個月都未看過,這在我是很少有的,我通常當晚就會開始看)。 嘩,這書真是正中核心,拳拳到肉,完全打中我的問題,非常紮心,我的錯誤一個一個冒現,我覺得很難過,後悔…很難以筆墨形容我當時的心情…我只有懇求神讓我返回錯誤的地方重新開始。 昨天早上,我看了一段所羅門作的禱告: 1. 看哪,天和天上的天尚且不足你居住的,何況我所建的這殿呢﹖願你晝夜看顧這殿,就是你應許立為你名的居所;求你垂聽僕人向此處禱告的話。 2. 人若…在你的壇前起誓,求你在天上垂聽,判斷你的僕人:定惡人有罪,照他所行的報應在他頭上;定義人有理,照他的義賞賜他。 3. 國中若有饑荒、瘟疫…或有仇敵犯境圍困城邑,無論遭遇什簳a禍疾病,你的民以色列,或是眾人,或是一人,自覺有罪,向這殿舉手,無論祈求什麼,求你垂聽赦免。你是知道人心的,要照各人所行的待他們(惟有你知道世人的心),使他們在你賜給我們列祖之地上一生一世敬畏你。 4. 論到外邦人,為你名從遠方而來,(他們聽人論說你的大名和大能的手,並伸出來的膀臂)向這殿禱告,求你在天上你的居所垂聽,照著外邦人所祈求的而行,使天下萬民都認識你的名,敬畏你像你的民以色列一樣。 5. 你的民若奉你的差遣,無論往何處去與仇敵爭戰,向耶和華所選擇的城與我為你名所建造的殿禱告,求你在天上垂聽他們的禱告祈求,使他們得勝。 6. 你的民若得罪你(世上沒有不犯罪的人),你向他們發怒,將他們交給仇敵…他們若…想起罪來,回心轉意,懇求你說:我們有罪了,我們悖逆了,我們作惡了;他們若在擄到之地盡心盡性歸服你…求你…垂聽他們的禱告…為他們伸冤…饒恕…赦免…使他們在擄他們的人面前蒙憐恤。 7. 所羅門在耶和華的壇前屈膝跪著,向天舉手,在耶和華面前禱告祈求已畢,就起來,站著,大聲為以色列全會眾祝福,說: 8. 願耶和華─我們的神與我們同在,像與我們列祖同在一樣,不撇下我們,不丟棄我們,使我們的心歸向他,遵行他的道,謹守他吩咐我們列祖的誡命、律例、典章。 9. 所以你們當向耶和華─我們的神存誠實的心,遵行他的律例,謹守他的誡命,至終如今日一樣。 10. 耶和華對所羅門說:你向我所禱告祈求的,我都應允了。我已將你所建的這殿分別為聖,使我的名永遠在其中;我的眼、我的心也必常在那裡。 這10段經文每一段對我來說都有非常獨特的意思,它們都反映著大衛(年幼的所羅門)對神的了解,信任與親密程度,就是因為這些特質,神的眼看顧大衛,神的心被大衛奪去。 我越看越難過,想起自己曾經貼近神說:「爸爸,其實要奪取你的心是很容易的。」 這些親蜜的回憶使我的錯誤與屬靈遲鈍顯得更愚蠢,哎,我恨不得飛回去。 |
- May 20 Thu 2004 12:03
- May 20 Thu 2004 03:43
1. The word “embroidery” is closely related to… (6 marks) A. Character B. Garment *** C. Colossians 3:12-14 D. Unity 如果你不認識Embroidery這個字,是一點也不奇怪的。這裡,我正希望大家不要查字典看它的中文意思,而是以邏輯推理配合簡單的英語文法找出答案。 推理A︰這是一件物件或一個人物,因為作者可以走近看它。 I move before the embroidery to… 推理B︰這個字很大機會是名詞,因為the基本上是用在名詞(noun)前面。這支持了推理A,它是一件物件。 推理C︰這個物件在前面應該已經提過。因為物件第一次出現的時候,我們會用a或an,第二次出現才用the。 結論D︰根據推理C,這件物件曾經出現過。前面只有一句句子︰ I had no idea a garment could communicate that which was of the character of Christ. 這句句子題到的物品就是garment。 印證E︰第一句題到 a garment使作者感到奇怪 I have no idea, |
- May 20 Thu 2004 03:42
The embroidery
I had no idea a garment could communicate that which was of the character of Christ. Still, I wanted to move slightly before the embroidery to ascertain what was woven into the fabric.
I received the impression of “a heart of compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness” and “patience.” The garment also reflected “bearing with one another” and “forgiving each other.” The thread that had the greatest weight and was the most frequently used was “love.”
These were part of the character of Christ that Paul enumerated in Colossians 3:12-14. He had told the body of Christ alive at that time to “put on” this garment. If he had told them to put it on, they must have had in their possession but were not wearing it. I gathered that sin had eventually allowed the garment to be taken from God’s children. Sad. We had great need of it.
Jesus spoke to me quietly. “The garment is for the soul and heart. It is an inner garment that becomes visible through actions, through decisions that effect unity.”
I turned back to look at the robe. It was exquisite. The Lord’s virtues woven into the garment had brought the body of Christ into “the perfect bond of unity.” Paul had said this. How we need it now.
He continued, “The embroidered garment is to be worn by those who are the bride. It was handed down in our family. Those who were entering into fuller union with Me wore it.”
As I looked at the robe, I realized that to enter into a deeper relationship with Christ meant to enter into a deeper covenant with His body. The two are inseparable.
Original posted on 24.10.02