










'This Is My Year,' Says The Lord!

In 2006: "Ask not what the Lord can do for you, but what you can do for the Lord."

It will not be a year about me, mine, and us. It will be a year about Him, Him, and Him! "This is My year," says the Lord. 2006 will be all about Me!"

He is the Great and Awesome Sovereign God of the Universe, and we must once again begin to do His bidding. His wish must become our command!

You see, the Lord did not speak to me about what He is going to do for you. Instead, He spoke to me about what you are going to do for Him!

And here's the really good news: you're going to do more for Him in 2006 than in any previous year!

You are going to abound with good works, out produce the unbelievers around you, and glorify God in ways you could never have imagined. You are about to become a spiritual "workaholic," all for the glory of God. 2006 will be your best, high-yield year ever! As a result, your joy will be full!

But be encouraged and be warned: God is going to make Himself available with fresh power, fresh gifting, fresh authority, and fresh grace for the selfless, but He will be clearly unavailable for the selfish! Watch and see. The selfless will significantly out produce the selfish in 2006.

This year is going to be all about Him, and all for Him, and all because of Him. 2006 is going to be all about His glory, His honor, His majesty, His splendor, His presence, His will, and His power!

"For He has shown you, oh man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you, but to do justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God." --Micah 6:8

"The Lord has every right to require much of you, through you, and from you for 2006. And that's exactly what He's going to do!"

According to I Corinthians 15:58, for 2006, you will need to become:

Spiritually Steadfast: extremely faithful, highly determined, spiritually stubborn, obedient to the maximum, unwavering in your new devotion to God, being of an excellent spirit--setting new standards for you and for those around you.

Spiritually Immovable: highly fixed in purpose, constant and extremely focused, relentless, determined, ironclad in your pursuit of His will, being of an excellent spirit--setting new standards for you and for those around you.

Spiritually Abounding: exuberant, passionate, extravagant, radical, life-giving, over-producing, exceeding all prior results, overflowing in accomplishments, being of an excellent spirit--setting new standards for you and for those around you.

Spiritually Laboring: applying 100% spiritual, mental, and physical effort: giving "it" your all, being of an excellent spirit--setting new standards for you and for those around you.

"As long as it is day, we must do the work of him who sent me. Night is coming, when no man can work." -- John 9:4

Mark my words saints: 2006 will be a year of great accomplishments for spiritual opportunists worldwide. Make sure you become just such an opportunist. Make sure you become immovable and do all you can do to abound! Make sure you strive to "do much more than just enough." Why? The night is coming!

Remember, as I Corinthians 15:58 tells us, "Your work in the Lord is never in vain."

    創作者 赤誠 的頭像


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