Lord, from the beginning of time, You arms have been open wide,
Longing to embrace that people that You can call your very own.
So You stretch Your arms open wide once and for all … on the cross
To purchase us and fulfill Your heart's desire.
So Lord we give ourselves to You as Your people
To see Your plans and purposes for us fulfilled.
We are Yours Lord! Do whatever You want to with us!
We belong to You and You alone.
Creator of all, we were made for Your pleasure.
You are jealous for us for You see our lives as a treasure.
You want to walk with us day by day,
To have a people who gladly say:
Lord we belong to You alone!
We bow before no other throne!
For You have redeemed us with Your sacrifice,
Our lives are not our own!
Lord we belong to You alone!
So come dwell in us make Your glory known!
Our greatest joy is found in knowing You
Belonging to You alone!
Almighty God, You've held plans for us through the ages .
You give each life a call
And a reason for being created.
We want to be a house You have built
A living temple You have filled!
"For you are a people holy to the LORD your God.
Out of all the peoples on the face of the earth,
the LORD has chosen you to be His treasured possession."
Yes Lord, I know I was born for this:
To complete Your eternal plan at the end time,
To fulfill Your heart's desire ...
To be Your treasured possession!
And I'm willing!!
I am Yours! At Your disposal!
So please do whatever You want to with this life!
- May 14 Mon 2007 08:35
Belonging to You alone!