




豈料打開第一頁,大大段half page印著的,不是「願你吸引我,我就快跑跟從你。」「你們親近神,神必親近你。」這類經文,而是:「神賜給我們,不是膽怯的心,乃是剛強、仁愛、謹守的心。」

For God did not give us a spirit of timidity (of cowardice, of craven and cringing and fawning fear), but [He has given us a spirit] of power and of love and of calm and well-balanced mind and discipline and self-control




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If the devil finds us uninterested in evil, then he'll try to get us to focus on our unworthiness and inability. In my own pursuit of God, I often become preoccupied with ME!

It was easy to think that being constantly aware of my faults and weakness was humility. It's not! If I'm the main subject, talking incessantly about my weakness, I have entered into the most subtle form of pride! True brokenness causes complete dependency on God.

I struggled for many years with self-evaluation. Somehow I had developed the notion that this was how I could become holy – by showing tremendous concern for my own motives.

The main problem was that I never found anything good in me. It always led to discouragement, which led to doubt, and eventually took me to unbelief. By being sold on my own unrighteousness, the enemy has disengaged me from effective service.

After many years of trying, I discovered I was not the Holy Spirit. I cannot convict and deliver myself of sin. It brought me to pray in the following manner:

"Father, you know that I don't do so well when I look inward, so I'm going to stop. I am relying on You to point out to me the things that I need to see.

I promise to stay in Your Word. You said that Your Word was a sword – so please use it to cut me deeply. Expose those things in me that are not pleasing to You. But in doing so, please give me the grace to forsake them.

I also promise to come before You daily. Your presence is like a fire. Please burn from me those things that are unpleasing to You. Melt my heart until it becomes like the heart of Jesus. Be merciful to me in these things.

I also promise to stay in fellowship with Your people. You said that iron sharpens iron. I expect You to anoint the "wounds of a friend" to bring me to my senses when I'm being resistant toward You.

Please use these tools to shape my life until Jesus alone is seen in me. I believe that You have given me Your heart and mind. By Your grace I am a new creation. I want that reality to be seen that the name of Jesus would be held in highest honor."

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  • Nov 05 Sat 2005 11:26
  • 珍惜











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