今早寫好上面這篇文章後,我埋首開始review file。但心裡有個感動,要上Elijah List。
(其實我好少睇「二奶揸lift匙」的預言...對我黎講d主題太散喇,又好長呢 ^^"。咁耐以黎睇得完的文章,我估十隻手指都數得唒。)
EL的首頁上每天都會刊登一篇最新預言,今天的預言是由Matt Sorger所寫的。
Matt Sorger是誰呢?一個很陌生的名字,老實說,我也不知道他是誰。
我立即用search engine翻查。真是呢,原來是在2004年初的時候,我曾經看過這個Matt Sorger的一篇預言(他在Elijah List發表的預言並不多,那是他第一次在EL發表的預言):
At the age of 17, Joseph received a dream of greatness (Gen 37). He prophetically saw a time of increase and promotion coming in his life. But we know the story of how he was first hated by his brothers, thrown into a pit, sold as a slave, falsely accused and then thrown in to a dungeon. It wasn't until he was 30 years old that the vision came to pass. That was 13 years of hard testing waiting for the promise to be fulfilled (Psa. 105:17-19).
I believe 30 is a significant year. It was at the age of 30 that the priests in the Old Testament began their priestly duties. It was also at the age of 30 that Jesus began His earthly ministry.
There are Joseph's who have been prepared in the secret place of testing for the last 10 or so years and are now being released and commissioned by the hand of God into their God-given calls and destinies.
It was exactly 13 years ago that I received a prophetic word from the Lord about the call and plan of God for my life. He told me that He was raising up a new breed of leaders. There would be no model for us to carbon copy or follow. We would need to be so sensitive and in tune with His voice in order to know the way to go and to walk in the new thing that He would do.
But he also told me that the top of His priority list for me was the refinement of my character that my roots would go down so deep in Him, that when success came, I would be firmly rooted in Him.
This year I turned 30, and with that I was released fulltime into the ministry He had called me to walk in, a healing revival ministry of signs, wonders and miracles. I had been active in ministry for many years serving as an associate pastor, walking through seasons of great testing and refinement. But when God's timing came, I was released to travel the nations in mass miracle crusades and in a ministry of healing revival. It was the moment of release.
But I believe even the events in my own life are a picture of what God is doing in the corporate Body of Christ. There are many Josephs who have had to walk through many tests and have passed with flying colors bringing them into a season of divine promotion and increase in the purposes of God.
- Oct 26 Wed 2005 09:32