好久沒有上Todd Bentley的網頁了,今天上去一看,立即被這個題目懾住──THE SPIRIT OF DAVID 大衛的靈。
This is a two-part teaching entitled The Spirit of David. This week we'll examine God's desire to raise-up young men and women to positions of responsibility in the world today.
We'll do so by looking at the early years in the life of David. We'll discover why David was chosen at a young age to be anointed as king over Israel and why God' favor came to David so that he would be prepared for the kingly anointing.
Jesus said, "But many who are first will be last, and the last first." (Matt. 19:30).
"But God has chosen the foolish things of the world to put to shame the wise, and God has chosen the weak things of the world to put to shame the things which are mighty" (1 Cor. 1:27)
Listen! God wants to anoint the ones that look foolish in the eyes of the world and the ones who know they are weak (and that God is strong).
And someone's age and gender (male or female) won't stop God from anointing them, either. Even though this teaching is entitled The Spirit of David, it's not just meant for the guys. It's meant to inspire young women as well.
Although David was the youngest, he was the choicest in the eyes of God. So what was it about David that God loved so much?
This is what the Lord said: "Do not look at his appearance or at his physical stature, because I have refused him. For the LORD does not see as man sees; for man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart" (1 Sam. 16:7).
David was the youngest and not that well-respected by his family. It's quite likely that in the eyes of his family, David was just the kid out there tending the sheep; but God saw things differently. God looks at a person's heart-- He knew things about our character and thought-life.
David was alone on the field but God was watching! He could see what was going on inside David. Inwardly David's heart was so pleasing to God.
However, not everyone was too happy about David's advancement. His brother Eliab accussed him with false words. David had a choice to make. As all eyes watched, David ruled his spirit, and ruled it well.
Most of us have been on the receiving end of false judgments. Sometimes it's the ones that are the closest who bring disturbing accusations, just like David's brother. But, God says "Every tongue that accuses you in judgment you shall condemn. "
There is also a murderous, jealous mindset what I call the "Saul spirit."
"Saul spirit," when it rises up, will try to destroy those with a "spirit of David" because of envy and jealousy. However, David didn't try to get vengeance. He knew in his heart that taking matters into his own hands, trying to retaliate, was not the way to go. I believe that he was inspired by God to respond to Saul in an "opposite spirit."
God looks at our heart first. When our hearts are bent on pleasing God, then He is free to take us through increasingly difficult assignments; assignments that will strengthen us to the point that we are ready to accomplish feats and mighty exploits! Of course, such deeds are for God's glory, never ours. But first: the issues of the heart.
Also, God is looking for those He can use to crush the giants in the land; totally devoted lovers of God who have a heart of passion, a God-seeking heart like David had. He's searching for those "Davids" who are willing to surrender their lives completely to Him; those who will allow Him to build their spiritual muscles in the trenches.
If we are willing, as God builds our spiritual muscles, He will draw us together with likeminded people to advance His kingdom.
When David fled from Saul and hid-out in the caves of Adullam, about 400 outcasts came to his side. They were the vagabonds who were distressed, in debt and discontented, but God brought them together under David's leadership. God was aligning the warriors!
There is a company of radical believers, "unlikely ones," emerging in our day that will be completely committed to their captain, Jesus Christ.
These unlikely ones—the young, the old, the in-between, the rejects, the discontented and the outcasts—are chosen. At the appointed time, they will minister in a powerful anointing from God.
Some will be the David's that God is calling forth and some will be brought to the David's to serve as mighty men and women of valor to advance God's kingdom in these end days.
Although in the family's "pecking order" David was in last place, I believe that position was actually the best place for David to be in. Here are two reasons why.
1. "The spirit of David" matured and his level of character grew in that place of obscurity.
2. Jesus said, "But many who are first will be last, and the last first" (Matt. 19:30). In God's timing and through God's leading, David went from being last—tending the sheep, to being first—the king of Israel!
So don't be discouraged when you're not esteemed or appreciated, or you are overlooked most of the time.
When you are a whole-hearted lover of God like David was, or today you want to be, then God can easily keep you advancing, moving ahead one step at a time according to His plan.
Be encouraged. David went at God's pace, one step at a time. Likewise, it's a step by step process into your God-ordained destiny. YOU HAVE A DESTINY! DON’T GIVE UP — ESPECIALLY YOU YOUNG PEOPLE!
Also, be sure to read everything you can get your hands on about David. The Bible records his fascinating, exciting life and how he went deeper and deeper into his destiny, walking with God, and ultimately in the kingly anointing as Israel's king.
Bottom line. Because David never lost his love for his heavenly Father, these precious words of Jesus stand like a beacon of light over his life: "For whoever desires to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake will find it."
- Dec 06 Tue 2005 08:55